CatamaranBoats.one is the official reseller of Alucat boats in West Finland and Sweden.

ALUCAT Catamaran Boat
  • The ALUCAT has up to twice as much open, flat deck space as V-hull boats of the same length.


  • Thanks to their excellent planing characteristics, the machine power required by ALUCAT boats is approximately one third less than that required by equivalent V-hull boats. This means that users may choose a significantly smaller and more affordable motor, which also means reduced fuel consumption.


  • By choosing an ALUCAT catamaran boat you are choosing twice as much free deck and storage space and operating expenses that are one third smaller than with regular V-hull boats.


ALUCAT W25 & new W35

Come and test drive to see what the boat can hold.

Double Engine, 180-235 cm ramp and  3000-5500 kg holding capacity.

High speed with great capacity.

Demoboats with direct delivery!

Relax Boat

We have partnered with Relax Boat and now also offer these new cozy recreational boats.

For more information about the boat models check out their website at relaxboat.com

For information about sales contact Michael Nybäck: 

Phone +358 40 7751178 or michael@alucat.fi



You can book test drives by contacting Michael Nybäck at:
Phone +358 40 7751178 or michael@alucat.fi

Stockholm -  Sweden and Ostrobotnia in Finland.

Now there is boats in Västerås , Göteborg, Mariestad , Mälaren, Sundsvall , Ö-vik & Vaxholm.


Alucat är med på båtmässorna genast från årets början 2022, välkommen!

Alucat on mukana venemessuilla heti alkuvuodesta 2022, tervetuloa!

Alucat will be at the boat exhibitions already in the beginning of 2022, welcome!

Alucat will be present at summer events in several cities. Follow us on Facebook for more info.

Boat Show

February 2022


Vene 20 Båt (11-22.2 2022)

We will be at Vene 20 Båt. Come See us!



Test Driving Boat

Summer 2022


Test driving 

follow us at fb catamaranboats sweden

We are at www.eriksbergboatshow.se

We are at www.dyvik.se  springshow

We have 10 different weekends booked

testdrivings in sweden all ready.

Call us and we add you at VIP-list.



Boat Show

March 2022


Allt för sjön (11-20. 2022)

We will be at Allt för sjönCome See us!



Boat Show

August & September 2022

We will be at  floating boat fairs. Come see us! If yuo follow us at fb , we might

dip down in yuor town. Try a Cat this summer and se what it is!

Svensk Kapten tar emot Er !


fb catamaranboats sweden


Vi sammarbetar med följande servicebolag m.fl i Stockholmsområdet.
Rekommenderar nedanstående som är snabba och proffsiga.

We co-operate with the following service companies and others in the Stockholm area.

We recommend the following fast and professional companies!


  • Båtuthyrning   
  • Vinterförvaring           
  • Motorservice                     
  • Utrustning                       
  • Målning och reparationer   

     Proffsigt fullservicevarv



  • Rindövarvet ab
  • Båtservice på rindövarvet
  • Motorservice & reparationer
  • Endast på förhandsbeställning
  • Stort varv utanför vaxholm

Svetsar och servar även fartyg